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Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 4:22 PM
Late Post! Past happenings! From Monday - Yesterday.
I haven't posted since Monday, September 13, because on Monday, I went somewhere to look for a Guitar. Then on Tuesday and now, I had Angklung practice. So...yeah. LOL. :)) September 13, 2010 Transferred Back At The Drawing Board I sat at Table 4. I used to. Not until Nikko was noisy. My adviser must've thought I was talking, too, because I was laughing...=)))))))). I CAN ADMIT THAT I CAN BE SUPER DUPER MEGA ULTRA NOISY. Pero hindi kasing suuuuuper noisy ni Nikko! AKO, ANG NADAMAY. *rolls eyes* The worst part? I was transferred back to my old seat. Thanks alot. I actually liked where I used to sit. I was surrounded by awesome and loving people. Mostly, not everyone. My adviser said that it was a "mistake". Maybe. LOLJK!! *Sigh*. At least I have Bjorn and Kobe as my seatmates to make me suuuuuuuuper laugh. =)))))))))))))) 1, 2, 3!! Character Education/Religion. Mr. Malano played a game with us. We had to form a "U"...but at Mr. Malano's point of view, it's a "U" that's upside-down. LOL, since he's at the front, at the blackboard. There is a chair that represented as "#1". If you sit there, you're known as the one who'll have the highest grade at orals (for that day, until the end of the period). If he asked the current person who's at "#1" and that person couldn't answer the question, others can. And when they did, and correctly, they get to sit there, moving the person who won't sit there anymore to "#2". But if the current person got the answer right, that person will remain there. Mr. Malano may ask a person who sat at #2, but if that person can't answer it, others may give the correct answer, and if they did, they'll sit at #2. And so on so forth. Set 1. Fast-forward. Set 2. We were asked a question, and it was pointed at Miguel. The question was, "Who was the successors of the Pope/Apostles/*I forgot!!* ?". I knew the answer, but I wasn't sure if it is correct. LOL. Miguel can't answer it after 6 seconds, so Mr. Malano went on and on until he heard the correct answer. He heard it from me, I answered "Bishop". YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. =))). So I sat at #3. Close enough to get to #2, Agatha sits there. I could beat her, though, but when I had "my moment" (LOL), it was almost Recess. Geez, but YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY LOL. =)))))))) :)) Chalk "Molecules" Lugtu just won't stop putting chalk "molecules" at my Agriculture Uniform. Thank God I was wearing a jacket. Heeheehee LOL. Then Mrs. Tejada said to keep the "Chalk Molecules" away from her. We all cracked up, because, at first, why MOLECULES...=))))))))))))))))))) September 14, 2010 So yeah. I told you I was back at my old seat, which was at Table 3. Bjorn's pretty funny to "mess at" in a good way. =)))))))))). We were silent so I decided to break the ice. By... Me: "Stop breathing my air, Bjoooooooooorn!" Bjorn: "Stop breathing my aiiiiiiiiiiir!" Me: "It's so unfaaaaaair! It's myyyyyyyy aaaaaaaaaaaair!!" *Childish LOL* Bjorn: "That's your air, this is mine, that's Kobe's." Me: "...STOP BREATHING MY AIR, LOL.". =))))))))))))))))))) After, WAAAAAAY after that, something happened. Then it continued to happen. But shortened...LOL. I shared something. LOL!! =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) K. Bye. I'll make a new post for today's happenings. :) |
Wish I had concentrated, they said love was complicated.![]() Hello earthling, I'm also an earthling. Girl in gender, 12 by age, kid at heart. Bangs, short hair, wavy hair. Catch me wearing a simple, cute shirt, pants, a necklace and possibly a bonnet. Or otherwise, catch me wearing a Montessorian uniform. I laugh a lot, and my laughs aren't the most adorable ones. I talk a lot, too, so beware. Victims are my friends and my family, so my family basically gets annoyed by me if I ever talk to them and ramble on and on and on...yeah. You can see me always laughing or smiling. Beware if you ever see my girly/hyper side...bewaaaaaaaaare. And by the way, Paola's my name! Figure out the rest by yourself. |
I've made this account since September 5, 2010 and I've been getting Formspring; Ask me! Twitter; Follow me? We Heart It; Follow me! YouTube; Subscribe? Tumblr; Follow me! Looklet; Heart and Follow me! Polyvore; Add me! [ Like/comment on my sets! ♥ ] backtoyesterday
+ BEST NEW ARTIST AT THE VMAs? + Rejoiced Strings + THINGS TO DO TODAY: + True Love Never Ends! + I WAS USING JUSTINE'S PHONE. =))))))))))))))))))) + Upcoming "Birthday": Sam's "Birthday" + R.I.P. Salt! (Bianca's rabbit) + Agriculture Exhibit: REHEARSAAAL + PTC 6.1! + Elenaaa, here I come! LOLJK, I have a script to me... wheni'mgone
+ September 2010 + October 2010 + November 2010 + December 2010 + January 2011 takeabow
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |